E claro que ainda ouvimos muitas musicas de rock,más meu amigo, o bicho pegou (La atrás) 60,70,80 e 90, que tempo bom. Tenho muito orgulho de ter curtido RAUL,LEGIÃO,PARA-LAMAS, GAROTOS POBRE,NIRVANA,GUNS,ENGENHEIROS,E MUITOS OUTROS.Eu era feliz pra caramba movido por estes sons,graças a deus fiz parte deste momento,olha que estes eu vi com meus olhos,más também tive a oportunidade de ouvir musicas boas como: Elvis ,Ritchie Valens,Beatles e tantos outros,enfim que pena,hoje as musicas necessitam de um enorme esforço para ouvir, é claro, nada contra apenas o que acho
Of course we still hear many rock songs, but my friend got the bug (La ago) 60,70,80 and 90, that good weather. I am very proud to have enjoyed RAUL, LEGION, fenders, POOR BOYS, NIRVANA, GUNS, ENGINEERS, AND MANY OUTROS.Eu was happy as hell moved by these sounds, thank God I was part of this moment, I saw these looks with my eyes, but also had the opportunity to hear good music as Elvis, Ritchie Valens, The Beatles and many others, that last sentence, now the songs take an enormous effort to hear, of course, nothing against just what I think
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